in every situation there are two paths of action. We can't choose both, but we can study the choices and then live with our decision. sometimes you are showing a feeling of regret. When you regret your decisions it can make you feel like you are in a prison of your past and your own thoughts. But it is also a hopeful thing as it also shows the possibilities each of our choices can make.c.p.
e ca si cum toate lucrurile rele prin care am trecut........ pe care le-am urat pe parcurs.........unii care m au dezamagit.........lucruri care nu au mers asa cum am vrut................dintr-o data le multumesc pentru ca sunt lucruri care m-au adus ceea ce este/sunt acum
mult timp am avut impresia ca viata mea va invepe in curand, adevarata mea viata! dar mereu aveam greutati de infruntat, mereu ceva de rezolvat, o incurcatura care cerea timp, datorii inca nerezolvate. dupa aceea, viata ar fi inceput.
in fine am inteles ca aceste obstacole sunt viata. a.s.